26 January 2015

Step Into A New Vision in Life.

The onset of a new year often fills our hearts with excitement and wonder. The chance to begin again and embrace new opportunities is a blessing from God. While we look forward to the future, we may also be cautious about continuing along our journey. Rather than shrink back in fear, we can embrace 2015 with boldness and step into a new vision.

Do you have a clear goal for your future? Do you know what God is calling you to do? The Word of God says:
Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction (Proverbs 29:18 NIV)
What vision do you have for your life?
Having a clear focus and purpose allows us to be intentional about the way we spend our time.
One way that we can clarify our vision is by creating a vision board. The concept of vision boards, often endorsed by celebrities, is a fun away to bring clarity to our goals. A vision board is essentially a board, filled with pictures and inspirational quotes that describe our desired future. While there are a variety of methods used to create a board, the concept is that seeing our goals allows us to bring them into fruition. As you walk into greatness in 2015, this is one method to be intentional about creating a fruitful and fulfilling year.
Here are the basics:
  1. Think about the goals and dreams that you would like to accomplish in various areas of your life. These areas may include your health, career, spirituality, and family.
  2. Cut out photos and inspirational words/quotes from magazines.
  3. Paste the photos and quotes onto poster board, cork board, or other firm craft paper.
  4. Place the vision board in a place where you can view it often.
A Word of Caution
Involve God in the Process
Merely visualizing our desired future doesn’t mean that our dreams will automatically come true.
Frank Niles, Ph.D. and founding partner of Scholar Executive Group, LLC, says:
Visualization does not guarantee success. It also does not replace hard work and practice. But when combined with diligent effort (and, I would add, a strong support network), it is a powerful way to achieve positive, behavioral change and create the life you desire. (
Faith and action must be combined to walk into our destiny (James 2:14-26).
Be Open to Change
We may plan our goals and dreams, but ultimately, God directs our path (Proverbs 16:9). As you plan your future, ask the Lord to show you what He wants to accomplish in your life. Be mindful that whatever you plan, God is able to do more than you can imagine! The year hasn’t gone far, you can still have a vision.

What is your vision for 2015 and beyond?

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