13 May 2015

Music: Yetunde Joyce – “I Choose To Be Free” | @iamyetundejoyce by oluwaseun

"Late July, early morning around half seven but the sunlight is already pouring, through the curtain less window as it was summer. Suddenly I felt a push to write 'I Choose to Be Free'.
I get so inspired by the song 'I Choose To Be Free' as it is a song I wrote in 2011 summer  when I was in a situation I did not see coming. Then I felt unsettled with sleepless nights and cloudless mornings.
If you have come across a book titled 'All the beggars riding' by Lucy Caldwell, you might understand my situation.  A story about Lara and her brother that lost their father in a terrible accident and she was trying to erase the memories and get back on track.
So at that distressing time I made sure I meditated everyday on Deuteronomy 30:9 "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death,blessings and curses. Now choose life that you and your children may live".
Also I make the confession and declare 'I Choose to Be Free' every time. Then I started seeing results in my life.
Going to record the song with my producer Wole Oni in February 2013 the waiting now was like a bubble in my chest. However, going into studio was a breathless experience as I felt the hand of God on the project."
Everyday life pastes its dulling moments and routines over the rawness. Though the rawness is there, but I strongly believe we should choose to be free from bondage, slavery, poverty, barrenness, manipulation, condemnation, retrogression, setback, affliction, oppression and everything that God does not approve of in our lives.
Yes we should shine victoriously, be above and not beneath because God has set us FREE to rule as kings and priestsforever!
So this is a way of giving back what God has blessed me with and I hope the song continues to bless all my friends and fans around the world.
Download, Listen, Enjoy and Share

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